Wedding Shadow Box

Almost every lady that is engaged or married has a Pinterest board, and within that Pinterest board she will likely have a photo of a shadow box that has all of their items from their wedding. She will pin it in the hopes of one day getting around to pulling everything from her wedding out, going to the craft store to buy some pins and a box, and putting all things wedding into the box. I finally decided to make one of my pins a reality.

compiling all items for shadow box

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Canvas Champ review


For my birthday, my parents gave me money to put towards a canvas I’ve been wanting for my bedroom for a while. I was originally going to go with Pro Digital Photos because I love their quality but when looking up their canvas pricing, they were crazy expensive. My second pick was Inkley’s but they were about the same in price and they do have promotions every once in a while but even with the promotion, it still would have been expensive.

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Dining room makeover

My current home style that I love is Farmhouse. I have slowly been working my home décor towards that so everything will eventually match. When it came time to pick out a new dining table, I wanted to stay with that trend. After browsing online and furniture stores in town, I only found a few tables I liked. Some Josh didn’t like while the others were way too expensive. I knew with this table that I didn’t want to go cheap, I wanted something that would last years, not something I’d throw away after two years because it was falling apart. I follow a few local furniture makers on Instagram and remembered that they got most of their furniture plans from Shanty 2 Chic. I got on their website and started pulling table plans. We sat down together and talked about what style table top and legs we wanted. We ended up going with their Industrial Farmhouse Table. We opted not to do the bench at this time but we will most likely build it once we have kids that will sit on it. Continue reading “Dining room makeover”

Master room dream board


The past few days after installing our gas range and building our dining table, I have this bug to update the last few things I want done to our home. Of course, my bank account is saying quite the opposite. One of the biggest projects left is our Master Bedroom. We have a nice set right now, no more than three years old but I’m wanting something a little more glamorous while having that cozy and farmhouse feel.  Our master bedroom has been lacking in everything since we moved in almost two years ago because my main focus is the areas that our guests see. Currently my mind set is do everything that I want to do to the home because once the kids start coming, nothing will be updated for quite a few years. So I’ve made a list of items that we want to fix/update and this is a major one. My goal is to have this done by the new year, fingers crossed!

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